Photo Credit: Sarah Sarty
Above all else, Harvest is a community festival. For 29 years, local artists, local businesses, and thousands of volunteers have created one of the most special events in North America… right here in downtown Fredericton. Our thoughts are with all of our local, regional, and national festival colleagues as we grapple with the impacts of covid-19, and with all of the artists and businesses affected by the cancellations in our industry.
Planning for Harvest’s 30th anniversary is proceeding with the health and safety of our audience, musicians, staff, and volunteers as our top priority. There are many uncertainties and, like you, we are monitoring the situation daily and will continue to take advice and guidance from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health of NB, as well as Health Canada and our partner, the City of Fredericton.
When we have additional news to share, we will do so via social media and our website.
Until then, stay home and keep washing your hands. Take the time to dive into your old CD or record collection, or stream or download music by that new local artist you’ve been meaning to check out. No doubt you’ll find something wonderful that brings joy and escape.
For all inquiries, please contact info@harvestjazzandblues.com
Your friends at Harvest