1.Put your screens away
Most artists nowadays expect you’ll want to snap a few pics, but please refrain from video recording or facetiming during the set. Not only is it disrespectful to the artist you are there to see, but it also can be distracting to others trying to enjoy the music. Let yourself enjoy and be in the moment. After all, you paid to see these legends in the flesh, why would you want to watch them through your screen?
2. Harvest rules
Well obviously Harvest does rule, but there are some new tent rules in place this year. No audio or video recording of any performances will be allowed. No backpacks, waistpacks, selfie sticks, or outside beverages can be brought into the tents. Empty reusable water bottles or mugs will be allowed. And please no glow sticks, they make a mess.
3. Don’t forget to listen
It’s a music festival! Being able to hear the artists live is what makes the experience so special. Chat a little with your friends, sing along, cheer and clap your hands to your heart’s content, but try not to overpower the song. You’d be surprised how loud a few thousand people trying to talk over a sound system and each other can get!
4. Stay hydrated
It can get hot in the tent, so grab some water from the water stations. Paper cups will be provided, or you can use an empty reusable bottle or mug. The ANBL hydration station will also be set up outside with bottled water to quench your thirst while you explore our Taylor Printing Street Experience. Your singing voice will thank you, and keeping hydrated will help ensure your memories of the set are crystal clear come morning.
5. Love thy Neighbour
Everyone wants to have a good view of the artist, but that’s no excuse to trample on fellow festival goers. If you’re tall, be mindful of shorter patrons, they want to see just as much as you do.
6. Keep things clean
Enough said. Our volunteers help clean up the venues at the end of each night, but please be respectful and make their jobs a little bit easier. Trash and recycling cans are usually located toward the back of the tent by the bar. If you can’t find one, look for a volunteer to point one out to you!
and …
Have fun, be nice, make friends
After all, that’s what it’s all about.