We hope 2021 is off to a happy and healthy start for you and that this update finds you managing the ups and downs of pandemic life in the best way possible. Last year was an exceedingly challenging year for our organization but even more so for our larger family of musicians, crew members, and downtown business owners and their staff whose lives continue to be turned upside down by the pandemic. We know there is much progress to be made yet but we’re looking forward to the return to some kind of normal and that’s the point of today’s communication.
Like you, we miss live music and are anxious for the day when it will be safe to gather with friends – old and new – for a big live event. We miss our beautiful early-autumn nights downtown on the streets of this incredible city, the serenity of the mighty Wolastoq river flowing past, and even more so the smiles, hugs and good times that are the true legacy of Harvest time in Fredericton.
So, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with some news – we intend to host some version of a traditional Live Harvest this year on the weekend of September 16-19, 2021 along with some new virtual/online components as well. Our planning has begun, and we have already booked some headliners that we’re excited to share with you in weeks ahead.
But we also want to be very clear here on one thing – rest assured, your safety is our highest priority and we will only move forward in presenting an event if it is safe to do so.
We’ll be working closely with public health and public safety officials, and our partners in City Hall to put an appropriate model in place with the focus on your safety and the best concert experience we can provide. When we have a clearer picture of what our event will look like and get the “green light” from officials, we will provide additional updates. For now, we want you to know we’re doing everything we can to be there for you in September!
Right now, we expect that tickets for the 2021 Harvest 30th Anniversary Music will go on sale in the Spring. For those who have rolled over your 2020 Ultimate passes, we are sincerely grateful for your faith in our festival. No action is needed at this time – detailed information will follow as we look to finalize our plans for a safe delivery of our event.
Thank you again to everyone for your overwhelming support in the past year. We missed seeing you in person in September but hope that you enjoyed our 29½ Online Special. If you haven’t already watched the special, the stream is still available here.
Mostly, we just wanted you to know that we’re now deep into planning a safe Harvest 2021 and believe our community and our festival will emerge from this pandemic as strong and united as ever.
Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
The Harvest Team